emipy: A pollutant-emission analysis tool ***************************************** Emipy is a package for processing, analysing and visualising data of the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR). Its main target is to enable a fast output of individual data set requests and to provide visualisation options. The data are provided by the `European Environment Agency `_ and `Eurostat `_. Core features ============= - Download, extract and merge the whole E-PRTR database into one fast-accessible file - Download and extract shape files from Eurostat (to plot all kinds of maps) - Integrated filter function to generate datasets of your needs - Integrated visualisation functions - Plot emission quantities - Plot emissions as maps (both, dots and colormaps) - Integrated impurity analyses - Export data and figures - Interface to the open-source modeling framework `Calliope `_ (experimental) Find us on PyPi =============== Our package is hosted by `PyPi `_. Find us on Gitlab ================= The package development takes place on `Gitlab `_. Contact ======= If you want to reach out for us please contact `p.boettcher@fz-juelich.de `_. Contents ======== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 contents Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`