Data parameters

Pollution Data

The European Environmental Agency (EEA) provides a lot of information that are assigned to the pollution data. There are very intuitiv ones like the name of the country in that the pollutants are emitted or the year of the emission. But there are also very “specialized” ones like the facility report ID, or the NACE-main economic activity code (an economic classification, performed by Eurostat). Here we provide a short explanation of the most used parameters and how to access them in the f_db() function. For the time span of 2001 - 2017 we use the data, uploaded under the E-PRTR directive. Since 2017 the EEA combines the data from the E-PRTR data base with the data from IED(Industrial Emission Directive) and LCP (Large Combustion Plants). As a consequence, the structure of the data changes partly (for instance, FacilityReportID becomes FacilityInspireID). Therefore we decided to keep the new data as a seperate data table, adapted it to the needs of emipy but let structural changes stay. The possible filter arguments are listed in the second table. For more detailed information, take a look at the EEA webpage or the Eurostat webpage.

Column Name Input Data Type List Of Entries Example
FacilityReportID Integer or List of Integers FacilityReportID f_db(db, FacilityReportID=1856)
CountryName String or List of Strings CountryName f_db(db, CountryName=’Spain’)
ReportingYear Integer or List of Integers ReportingYear f_db(db, ReportingYear=2015)
ReleaseMediumName String or List of Strings ReleaseMediumName f_db(db, ReleaseMediumName=’Air’)
PollutantName String or List of Strings PollutantName f_db(db, PollutantName=’Carbon dioxide (CO2)’)
PollutantGroupName String or List of Strings PollutantGroupName f_db(db, PollutantGroupName=’Inorganic substances’)
NACEMainEconomicActivityCode String or List of Strings NACEMainEconomicActivityCode f_db(db, NACEMainEconomicActivityCode=’25.91’)
NUTSRegionGeoCode String or List of Strings NUTSRegionGeoCode f_db(db, NUTSRegionGeoCode=’AT11’)
ParentCompanyName String or List of Strings ParentCompanyName f_db(db, ParentCompanyName=’Lenzing AG’)
FacilityName String or List of Strings FacilityName f_db(db, FacilityName=’Lenzing AG’)
City String or List of Strings City f_db(db, City=’Lenzing’)
PostalCode String or List of Strings PostalCode f_db(db, PostalCode=’4860’)
CountryCode String or List of Strings CountryCode f_db(db, CountryCode=’AT’)
RBDGeoCode String or List of Strings RBDGeoCode f_db(db, RBDGeoCode=’DK1’)
RBDGeoName String or List of Strings RBDGeoName f_db(db, RBDGeoName=’Jutland and Funen’)
NUTSRegionGeoName String or List of Strings NUTSRegionGeoName f_db(db, NUTSRegionGeoName=’’)
NACEMainEconomicActivityName String or List of Strings NACEMainEconomicActivityName f_db(db, NACEMainEconomicActivityName=’Manufacture of pulp’)
MainIASectorCode String or List of Strings MainIASectorCode f_db(db, MainIASectorCode=’EPER_4’)
MainIASectorName String or List of Strings MainIASectorName f_db(db, MainIASectorName=’Chemical industry’)
MainIAActivityCode String or List of Strings MainIAActivityCode f_db(db, MainIAActivityCode=’EPER_5.1/5.2’)
MainIAActivityName String or List of Strings MainIAActivityName f_db(db, MainIAActivityName=’Tanning of hides and skins’)
PollutantReleaseID Integer or List of Integers PollutantReleaseID f_db(db, PollutantReleaseID=’16962’)
ReleaseMediumCode String or List of Strings ReleaseMediumCode f_db(db, ReleaseMediumCode=’AIR’)
PollutantCode String or List of Strings PollutantCode f_db(db, PollutantCode=’ZN AND COMPOUNDS’)
PollutantGroupCode String or List of Strings PollutantGroupCode f_db(db, PollutantGroupCode=’INORG’)
Column Name Input Data Type List Of Entries Example
FacilityReportID String or List of Strings FacilityReportID f_db(db, FacilityReportID=’AT.CAED/9008390316955.FACILITY’)
ReportingYear Integer or List of Integers ReportingYear f_db(db, ReportingYear=2015)
PollutantName String or List of Strings PollutantName f_db(db, PollutantName=’Carbon dioxide (CO2)’)
NACEMainEconomicActivityCode String or List of Strings NACEMainEconomicActivityCode f_db(db, NACEMainEconomicActivityCode=’25.91’)
NUTSRegionGeoCode String or List of Strings NUTSRegionGeoCode f_db(db, NUTSRegionGeoCode=’AT11’)
ParentCompanyName String or List of Strings ParentCompanyName f_db(db, ParentCompanyName=’Lenzing AG’)
FacilityName String or List of Strings FacilityName f_db(db, FacilityName=’Lenzing AG’)
City String or List of Strings City f_db(db, City=’Lenzing’)
PostalCode String or List of Strings PostalCode f_db(db, PostalCode=’4860’)
CountryCode String or List of Strings CountryCode f_db(db, CountryCode=’AT’)
NUTSRegionGeoName String or List of Strings NUTSRegionGeoName f_db(db, NUTSRegionGeoName=’’)
NACEMainEconomicActivityName String or List of Strings NACEMainEconomicActivityName f_db(db, NACEMainEconomicActivityName=’Manufacture of pulp’)
MainIAActivityCode String or List of Strings MainIAActivityCode f_db(db, MainIAActivityCode=’EPER_5.1/5.2’)
MainIAActivityName String or List of Strings MainIAActivityName f_db(db, MainIAActivityName=’Tanning of hides and skins’)
ReleaseMediumCode String or List of Strings ReleaseMediumCode f_db(db, ReleaseMediumCode=’AIR’)
PollutantCode String or List of Strings PollutantCode f_db(db, PollutantCode=’ZN AND COMPOUNDS’)

Map Data

The map data are provided by Eurostat. The maps always show a complete view of Europe, but there are different parameters, that change the layout of the visualisation.
There are two levels where you can choose parameters. These are first the download of the map data and second the load procedure into your session.
During initialisation, emipy downloads, for every NUTS version, the map data with resolution 1:10 million. For storage size reasons, not all map files are downloaded. You can download additional map data with download_MapData(). See Special Features for the correct usage.
Statistical Unit Publication Date Resolution
NUTS 2021 01/02/2020 1:1 Million
1:3 Million
1:10 Million
1:20 Million
1:60 Million
NUTS 2016 14/03/2019 1:1 Million
1:3 Million
1:10 Million
1:20 Million
1:60 Milion
NUTS 2013 03/12/2015 1:1 Million
1:3 Million
1:10 Million
1:20 Milion
1:60 Milion
NUTS 2010 01/12/2012 1:1 Million
1:3 Million
1:10 Million
1:20 Million
1:60 Million
NUTS 2006 01/12/2008 1:1 Million
1:3 Million
1:10 Million
1:20 Million
1:60 Million
NUTS 2003 03/12/2005 1:1 Million
1:3 Million
1:10 Million
1:20 Million
The following sub categories are downloaded for every publication year and resolution:
Spatial Type NUTS_LVL Projection
BN None 3035
Level 0 3035
Level 1 3035
Level 2 3035
Level 3 3035
LB None 3035
Level 0 3035
Level 1 3035
Level 2 3035
Level 3 3035
RG None 3035
Level 0 3035
Level 1 3035
Level 2 3035
Level 3 3035
When loading the map data into your session, you can choose from the parameters resolution, SpatialType, NUTS_LVL, m_year and projection. Resolution and m_year do correspond to the above given resolutions and NUTS versions.
Spatialtype has three different options: RG (region), BD (boundary) and LB. For the emipy visualisation functions, the information, stored in the RG file are necessary. Therefore it is chosen by default. Mainly for layout configuration, you can choose BD to only show the borders.
Take into acount, that for the higher NUTS levels, the file just stores new occuring borders. So you would have to plot level 0, 1, 2 and then 3 on top of each other (or level None) to get a map with the complete level 3 borders. LB displays points for the regions.
NUTS_LVL is the Level of the NUTS-classification. You can choose from no level at all up to level 0, 1, 2 and 3. If you put the level on None, the loaded shp file contains all objects from the other levels.
Projection refers to the spatial projection of the displayed map. You can choose from EPSG: 4326, 3035, 3857. When the data is loaded into the session you can also transfer the corresponding reference system (crs) with geopandas or emipy.
The default setting is:
read_mb(path=None, resolution='10M', SpatialType='RG', NUTS_LVL=0, m_year=2016, projection=4326)